Group's members

Before exploring our blog, let's introduce ourselves first........

Hi, I am Teoh Leong Sin. XD

Hi, I am Ooi Sin Ying.(",)

Wow, is my turn, I am Tan Hwee Feng. (~^^~)

Welcome to our blog, I am Tang Su Xian. (^6^)

Thursday 15 March 2012


1.1 Setting up and using the microscope

Procedure :

Step 1 : The parts of microscope

Step 2 : Place the slide on the stage

Step 3 : Observe the specimen

1.2 : Examination of cells

Procedure :

Step 1 : Sterilizer work bench with 70% ethanol.

Step 2 :  Lighten the bunsen burner

Step 4 : sterilize the inoculating loop

Sterilize the cap and bottle of the culture by run through the fire.

Step 5 : Transfer out the bacteria

Step 6 : Put on a sterilized glass slide and place the cover

Step 7 :  Observe the specimen

For 1000x magnification, immersion oil used.

It's the time to share our reports...^^

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