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Hi, I am Teoh Leong Sin. XD

Hi, I am Ooi Sin Ying.(",)

Wow, is my turn, I am Tan Hwee Feng. (~^^~)

Welcome to our blog, I am Tang Su Xian. (^6^)

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Lab 1 Report written by Teoh Leong Sin

Matrix no: 111433
Lab 1: Principle and use of microscope

1.1 Setting up and using microscope

In order to be seen, microorganisms need to be magnified. Despite advances in other area of microscopy (for example, the electron microscopy), the light microscopy is still the instrument most frequently used for viewing microorganisms.

Learn to use a simple bright-field microscope correctly.

Total magnification = objective lens power x eyepiece lens power(10x)

Salmonella enteritidis under 40x magnification:

Salmonella enteritidis under 100x magification:

Salmonella enteritidis under 400x magnification


1) Specimen is observed from lowest magnification to highest magnification (x40,x100,x400)

2) Light intensity is adjusted to observe the specimen clearly.

3)Specimen focused by adjusting fine and coarse adjustment knob to obtain a view of specimen.

4)Colony marphology of salmonella enteritidis:
    b)Size: tiny (punctiform)
    c) Surface: shiny and smooth in appearence
    d)Color: Red

I could get a clearer image of Salmonella enteritidis in the magnification of x400. This mean the higher the magnification of objective lens, the clearer the view of image.


1.2 Examination of cells

 Because of their extreme minuteness, bacteria are not generally studied with the low-power or high power-power dry objectives. Instead they are stained and observed with the oil immersion objective.
The wet mount methods enables you to study the sizes and shapes of living microorganisms (drying or staining microorganism distort them). It also enables you to determine if cells are motile. The wet mount method is quick and easy, and does not require special equipment.


-To provide an experience in the use of microscope
- To illustrate the diversity of cells and microorganisms.

 Saccharomyces cerivisiae (yeasts) under x1000 magnification:

Lactobacillus fermentum under x1000 magnification: 


1)The oil immersion fills the space between the objective lens and specimen and matches the refractive index of the glass coverslip and glass objectives lens. At a given focal length, this allow me to achieve a greater numerical aperture.

2)There are 2 different types of microorganisms which been observed:
   a)Lactobacillus fermentum
   b)Saccharomyces cerivisiae

3)Colony marphology of Lactobacillus fermentum

4)Colony marphology of Saccharomyces cerivisiae
   -Color:Lemon yellow

Oil immersion with 1000x magnification lens allow us to observe the specimen more detail which include shape,size,surface,texture and color.


Lab 1 Report written by Tan Hwee Feng

Matric No : 111427

1.1 Setting up and using the microscope


In order to be seen, microorganisms need to be magnified. Despite advances in other area of microscopy (for example, the electron microscope), the light microscope is still the instrument most frequently used for viewing microorganisms.


Learn to use a simple bright-field microscope correctly.


Total magnification = objective lens power x eyepiece lens power(10x)

Salmonella enteritidis under 40x magnification:

Salmonella enteritidis under 100x magnification:

Salmonella enteritidis under 400x magnification:


1) Microscope is positioned so that it can be observed  through the eyepiece comfortably.
2) We adjust the light intensity using the brightness control.
3) We adjust the mechanical stage being higher or lower by using coarse-focus and fine-focus
     knobs so that the objective lens is focused on the specimen.
4) We usually begin with low power (4x objective lens, 10x objective lens) to observe specimen  
     roughly and with wider view. Then, we switch to high power (40x objective lens) to observe 
     more detail and a clearer view of specimen.
5) Colony morphology of Salmonella enteritidis:
    Shape: circular 
    Size: tiny (punctiform)
    Surface: shiny and smooth in appearance
    Color: red


The higher the magnification of objective lens, the clearer the view of specimen that we can be observed. The view is narrower and more specific for higher magnification.


1.2 Examination of cells


Because of their extreme minuteness, bacteria are not generally studied with the low-power or high power-power dry objectives. Instead they are stained and observed with the oil immersion objective.
The wet mount methods enables you to study the sizes and shapes of living microorganisms (drying or staining microorganism distort them). It also enables you to determine if cells are motile. The wet mount method is quick and easy, and does not require special equipment.

  • To provide an experience in the use of microscope.
  • To illustrate the diversity of cells and microorganisms.

100x objective lens x 10x eyepiece lens = 1000x magnification (with immersion oil)

Saccharomyces cerivisiae (yeast) under 1000x magnification:

Lactobacillus fermentum under 1000x magnification:


1) The 'oil immersion objective' meaning that a small drop of special immersion oil is placed on the
    slide and the front lens of the objective is dipped into it for viewing.
2) The oil immersion fills the space between the objective and the specimen and matches
     the refractive index of the glass cover slip and glass objective lens. At a given focal length, this
     allows us to achieve a greater numerical aperture (better light collection efficiency, better
3) Two different types of microorganisms are observed by using immersion oil:
    -  Saccharomyces cerivisiae (yeast)
    -  Lactobacillus fermentum
4) Colony morphology of  Saccharomyces cerivisiae (yeast):
    Shape: circular 
    Size: tiny
    Surface: smooth
    Texture: moist
    Color: lemon yellow
5) Colony morphology of  Lactobacillus fermentum:
    Shape: rod 
    Size: tiny(smaller than yeast)
    Surface: smooth
    Texture: moist

    Color: violet


100x objective lens immersed in oil can get a clearer view of the specimen. Hence, 1000x magnification with  100x oil immersion objective lens has a good resolution and allow us to observe clearer image.


Ibg 102 lab report 1 prepared by Tang Su Xian

Name : Tang Su Xian
Matric's card no.:111431
Lab 1: Principles and use of microscope

1.1 Setting up and using the microscope
In order to be seen, microorganisms need to be magnified. Despite advances in other area of microscopy ( for example, the electron microscope ), the light microscope is still the instrument most frequently used for viewing microorganisms.
The function of any microscope is to enhance resolution. The microscope is used to create an enlarged view of an object such that we can observe details not otherwise possible with human eye. Because of the enlargement, resolution is often confused with magnification, which refers to the size of an image. In general, the greater the magnification, the greater the resolution , but this is not always true. There are several practical limitations of lens design which can result in increased magnification without increased resolution.
  The total magnification of the image seen is calculated by the following formula:
     Total Magnifications= Objective Lens Power × Eyepiece Lens Power
Learn to use a simple bright – field microscope correctly.

Stained cells under magnification of (40 x, 100 x, 400 x).
1.)    Salmonella enteritidis under 40x magnification 

2.)   Salmonella enteritidis under 100x magnification

3.) Salmonella enteritidis under 400x magnification

1.)    The specimen was observed using the lowest magnification which is 40x to the 400x.
2.)    While observing the images, fine adjustment knob is used first followed by the coarse adjustment knob to ensure that the image is clear and focused at the centre.
3.)    Light intensity is adjusted to enable the correct amount of light enters the microscope and diaphragm is also adjusted to have a clearer view of the specimen.
4.)    The microorganism that was observed and drawn is Salmonella enteritidis. 

5.)    The properties of the Salmonella enteritidis:
-Shape: Rod form
-Size: Tiny
-Surface: Shinny
-Texture: Smooth
-Color: Red


As a conclusion, I found that the magnification and resolution are equally important. I can greatly magnify an image, but unless the resolution is excellent I can see only fuzzy image. Likewise, I can obtain excellent resolution, but without magnification I can not see detail. Besides, I also found that I could get a clearer and larger of the image of Salmonella enteritidis as I observed using the 400x magnification.


1.2 Examination of cells


Because of their extreme minuteness, bacteria are not generally studied with the low-power or high power dry objectives. Instead they are stained and observed with the oil immersion objective.
 The wet mount methods enables you to study the sizes and shapes of living microorganisms (drying or staining microorganism distort them). It also enables you to determine if cells are motile. The wet mount method is quick and easy, and does not require special equipment.

-To provide an experience in the use of microscope.
-To illustrate the diversity of cells and microorganisms.

Lactobacillus fermentum (1000x magnification)
Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) (1000x magnification)


1.) The oil immersion fills the space between the objective lens and specimen and matches the refractive index of the glass coverslip and glass objective lens. At a given focal length, this allows me to achieve a greater numerical aperture.

2.) The microorganisms that i observed in this experiment were Lactobacillus fermentum and Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

3.)    The morphology of Lactobacillus fermentum :
-Shape: Rod
-Size: Tiny
-Surface: Smooth
-Texture: Moist
-Color: Violet

4.)    The morphology of Saccharomyces cerevisiae :
-Shape: Circular
-Size: Tiny
-Surface: Smooth
-Texture: Moist
-Color: Lemon yellow


As a conclusion, i could get a clear view on the morphology of the microorganisms like Lactobacillus fermentum and Saccharomyces cerevisiae in this experiment by using immersion oil which could ensure magnification of 1000x achieved while still preserving good resolution.


Lab Report 1 by Ooi Sin Ying

Name           : Ooi Sin Ying
No. matrice : 111410

1.1 Setting up and using the microscope

Introduction :
In order to be seen, microorganisms need to magnified. Despite advances in other area of  microscopy  (for example, the electron microscope), the light microscope is still the instrument most frequently used for viewing microorganisms.

Objective     :
Learn to use a simple bright-field microscope correctly.

Result           :

1. 4xobjective X 10xobjective = 40x magnification

2. 10x objective X 10x objective

3. 40x objective X 10x objective
 Discussion :
1.The light intensity is adjusted using the brightness control.
2.Specimen is observed from the lowest power objective, 4x magnification followed with 10x
   magnification and 40x magnification.
3.The total magnification of the image is calculated by multiplying the objective lens power by the
   eyepieces lens power.
4.Course-focus and fine-focus adjustment knobs are rotated to raise and lower the mechanical stage
   so that the objective lens is focused on the specimen. Fine-focus knob is used to moves the stage
   while looking through the microscope.
5.Morphology of the Salmonella enteritidis :
  -Shape    : circular
  -Size       : tiny and punctiform
  -Surface : shining and smooth
  -Colour  : red

Conclusion :
Each parts of the microscope has their own function in giving the best view of specimen. The higher the magnification of the objective lens the clearer and larger view of specimen will be provided.

Reference  :

1.2 Examination of cells

Introduction :
Because of their extreme minuteness, bacteria are not generally studied with the low-power or high-power dry objectives. Instead they are stained and observed with the oil immersion objective.

The wet mount methods enables you to study the sizes and shapesof living microorganisms (drying or staining microorganism distort them). It also enables you to determine if cells are motile. The wet mount method is quick and easy, and does not require special equipment.

Objective     :
-To provide an experience in the use of microscope.
-To illustrate the diversity of cells and microorganisms.

Result          :
Under 100x objective X 10x eyepiece = 1000x magnification

1.Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Yeast)

2.Lactobacillus fermentum
Dicussion  :
1.The oil immersion fills the space between the objective lens and specimen and matches the
    refractive index of the glass coverslip and glass objective lens. At a given focal length, this allows
    me to achieve a greater numerical aperture.
2.Two different microorganism is observed :
    -Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Yeast) and
    - Lactobacillus fermentum
3.Morphology of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Yeast) :
   -Shape    : circular
   -Size       : tiny
   -Surface : moist and smooth
   -Colour  : lemon yellow
4.Morphology of Lactobacillus :
   -Shape   : rod
   -Size      : tiny
   -Surface : moist and smooth
   -Colour  : violet

Conclusion :
Using oil immersion with 1000x magnification give clearer view of specimen that allow me to see the size, shape and colour of living microorganisms. 

Reference  :

Thursday, 15 March 2012


1.1 Setting up and using the microscope

Procedure :

Step 1 : The parts of microscope

Step 2 : Place the slide on the stage

Step 3 : Observe the specimen

1.2 : Examination of cells

Procedure :

Step 1 : Sterilizer work bench with 70% ethanol.

Step 2 :  Lighten the bunsen burner

Step 4 : sterilize the inoculating loop

Sterilize the cap and bottle of the culture by run through the fire.

Step 5 : Transfer out the bacteria

Step 6 : Put on a sterilized glass slide and place the cover

Step 7 :  Observe the specimen

For 1000x magnification, immersion oil used.

It's the time to share our reports...^^


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